Aerial and buried service entrances are explained and illustrated, as are main panels orloadcenters and the principles of earth grounding. Design details of generators and transformers and their role in delivering electric power to consumers’ homes or buildings are included. The chapters that follow cover power gen eration, transmission, and distribution.

This book begins with a discussion of electrical drawing and symbols and the importance of specifications in electrical projects. Among the topics new to this edition are computer-aided electrical drawing (CAD), basic switch and receptacle circuit wiring, outdoor low-voltage wiring, telephone and structured wiring, and electrical surge protection. Considerable new information has been added in this edition but it is a smaller volume, making it more user-friendly and easier to keep on a desk or shelf.

It is a well-illustrated reference book on electrical power and lighting-how it is generated, transmitted, distributed, and used. This is the second edition of the Handbook of Electrical Design Details (HEDD), originally published in 1997. Chapter 2 Power Generation and TransmissionĬhapter 4 Substations and Electrical DistributionĬhapter 5 Service Entrance, Loadcenters, and GroundingĬhapter 6 Wire, Cable, and Circuit ComponentsĬhapter 7 Branch Circuit Design and Device WiringĬhapter 8 Lighting, Lamps, and LuminairesĬhapter 9 Telephone, Multimedia, and Alarm SystemsĬhapter 12 Electrical Surges and Surge Protection Introduction